The Best Gifts YOU All Have Ever Received

The Best Gifts YOU All Have Ever Received

I surveyed you guys (my readers!) a couple weeks ago to ask about your favorite gifts and there were a lot of great ideas! I’ve separated the gifts into separate categories, which I hope is helpful. I have another gift guide based on my own ideas, but this one is all you guys.

To begin, I want to say that many people mentioned classic jewelry, and I think that if the person you’re buying for doesn’t have some of the classic pieces (think a pearl necklace, diamond or crystal stud earrings, etc.), these are great gifts. Other common ideas were good winter gear and other really nice clothing items. BUT if you’re stuck because the person you’re buying for already has these classic items, hopefully the following is useful.

Practical gifts

Some of these sound obvious, as many people already own these items or subscriptions – they’re very popular. BUT they’re popular for a reason and I think these practical gifts keep giving throughout the year.

  • AirPods/bluetooth headphones/bluetooth speaker
  • Meal Subscription (e.g. HelloFresh- this is a great way to meet someone’s basic needs without just straight up giving them cash! Think about folks who maybe just need money for groceries – this might be a useful gift in that case! Although cash is always appreciated and would be more efficient for the person who is struggling to get by..)
  • Subscription for Amazon Prime, Audible, or any subscriptions that are more specific (Birchbox for beauty products, FabFitFun for beauty and lifestyle products, Dollar Shave Club, Kiwi Co. for educational toys for kids, etc.)
  • Nice Coffee Maker

Gifts based on hobbies/interests

So, there were a lot of recommendations that were pretty specific but I think they were related because the gift-giver identified a hobby or interest and customized a gift around that topic.

  • Books! One of the most common responses! There are so many beautiful coffee table beautiful books now – Humans of New York has a couple published, and then HRH: So Many Thoughts on Royal Style is another gorgeous one on fashion. These both have wonderful photos- I own both of them! Besides coffee table books, you could always gift books you think the person would enjoy with a note about why the book made you think of them!
  • A book of poetry in the person’s native language – I never would have thought of this gift, but I think it works for both folks who are really into their cultural heritage and those who don’t know too much about theirs and would enjoy learning more! I think the goal should be to find something with the transliteration and English translation!
  • For the traveler, any sort of travel related gift would be amazing! Whether that’s a flight ticket/voucher, an Inter-rail pass to travel (Europe specific), or whatever travel vouchers exist in your country! This is a great way to gift someone an experience. If you can’t gift someone a round-trip ticket, you can gift as much as you’re able to in a voucher/gift card form and it’s a nice thought since you’re recognizing their love of travel!
  • For the person who enjoys a certain book or TV series, a gift incorporating that would be so thoughtful! One great example someone mentioned was a personalized Harry Potter Marauder’s Map but with their family and friends and favorite places; similar ideas for any other series likely exist. There are Game of Thrones related board games, Gossip Girl related artwork, etc. You just have to identify some XYZ thing the person loves and then Google “XYZ gifts” and there will be so many ideas!
  • Someone mentioned a religious gift idea that I loved: A Quran with English sticky notes with what verse to read for what problem the individual is facing. This can be applied to any religion and it’s such a thoughtful idea! You can also find such beautiful versions of all of the Holy Books!

Sentimental gifts

These sentimental gifts were so sweet and I feel like i

  • Book with photos of you and the other person (or just framed photos which is always a classic but somewhat less exciting haha)
  • A comic book/illustrated book that tells the story of you and the other person (couple’s gift)
  • A little book of ‘100 Things I Love About You’ filled in
  • A genuine surprise party (this would be so fun if the person enjoys surprises!)
  • Custom Build-a-Bear (teddy bear) of an old pet that passed away
  • Framed quote of something a passed-on parent relative used to say

Thank you for reading and if you have any additional suggestions, please drop them in the comments below! 🙂
